java stream 을 사용하여 객체 리스트를 여러개 필드로 그룹핑 후 맵형태로 생성 후 리스트로 출력 해보도록 한다.
원본 리스트를 그룹핑 하여 출력되는 최종 결과는 아래 그림과 같다.
List<Course> courseList = Arrays.asList( Course.builder() .code("A0001") .subject("Math") .semester("First") .price(10000l) .build(), Course.builder() .code("A0001") .subject("Math") .semester("Second") .price(10000l) .build(), Course.builder() .code("A0005") .subject("OperatingSystem") .semester("Second") .price(10000l) .build(), Course.builder() .code("A0005") .subject("OperatingSystem") .semester("Second") .price(10000l) .build(), Course.builder() .code("A0003") .subject("DataScience") .semester("Second") .price(10000l) .build() ); List<Course> resultList = courseList.stream() //groupby code and subject //output-> Map<String,Map<String,List<Course>>> .collect(groupingBy(Course::getCode, groupingBy(Course::getSubject))) .entrySet() //output -> Set<Map<K,V>.Entry<String,Map<String,List<Course>>>> .stream() //output -> Stream<Map<K,V>.Entry<String,Map<String,List<Course>>>> .map(h -> h.getValue() //output -> Map<String,List<Course>> .entrySet() //output -> Set<Map<K,V>.Entry<String,List<Course>>> .stream() //output -> Stream<Map<K,V>.Entry<String,List<Course>>> .map(m -> m.getValue() .stream() .reduce((c1, c2) -> Course.builder() .code(c1.getCode()) .semester(c1.getSemester()) .subject(c1.getSubject()) .price(c1.getPrice() + c2.getPrice()) .build())) //output -> Stream<Optional<Course>> .map(z -> z.get()) //output -> Stream<Course> .collect(Collectors.toList())) //output -> Stream<List<Course>> .collect(Collectors.toList()) //output -> List<List<Course>> .stream() //output -> Stream<List<Course>> .flatMap(x -> x.stream()) //output -> Stream<Course> .collect(Collectors.toList());
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